Life is in stages and there’s always room for growth

You are not suffering because you cannot afford everything that you want. Suffering is when you lack what you need for basic survival.

At every single stage of your life, there will be something you will be unable to afford with money with the exception of the Ulta-rich (the rule of exception will always apply to the less than 1%).

You are not suffering because your earning or income cannot afford everything that your desires conjures up.

I have been a soldier who mounted guard and did night duties at a stage in my life. That was not suffering. It was a stage and a process. I have worked job that paid N25k per month and it was also not suffering. I was a university graduate and a voluntarily discharged soldier at the time. At that time, I had colleagues who were already pursuing their Masters abroad. Some were already earning multiples of my N25k salary. It was not suffering for me. It was both a learning and growing process.

I can imagine seeing some of my age mates drive cars then and start thinking I was suffering. I couldn’t afford the sophisticated devices at the time and my inability to do so was never considered deprivation nor suffering. I was living with an Uncle, which meant I had decent roof over my head. I didn’t need to be able to afford rent nor build my house at that stage, so, that couldn’t have been suffering.

Life is in stages and men are in sizes. A stage is not a permanent state except you do not learn and grow.

The fact that your peer possesses something doesn’t mean you too must have it or that you need it. And because you do not have it doesn’t mean you are suffering or you will not eventually be able to have it.

Life is in stages….all you have to do is learn and outgrow the stage you are to get where you want to be. Even when you get there, there is always room for growth.
